Alamo Heights Junior High
Alamo Heights High School
UTSA // BBA Infrastructure Assurance
Polytechnic NYU - MS Cyber Security
Research/ Publications/ Grants:
Blackhat - AWS Scout
Blackhat - Untwining Twine
OWASP AppSec + BlackHat - Lean Security
Work Experience:
DoD Lackland AFB - 2008-2011
iSEC Partners/NCC Group - 2011-2014
VICE Media Group - 2014-2022
Prefect 2022-2023
Extracurricular Activities:
Basketball, Camping, Hunting, Reading
Skills/Areas of Expertise:
Information Security, Cyber Security, Cloud
Security, Application, Development, Engineering,
Web, Mobile, Media, Start Ups, Defense,
Awards / Board Positions:
IASP Scholar
Basketball, Camping, Hunting, Reading
I was raised in San Antonio, and always had a
passion for computers and technology. What once
was a hobby turned into a career that seemed
unrealistic when I declared my major.
I left San Antonio for 6 years to New York City to
obtain my master’s in cyber security. I matured as a
person and sharpened by skills, and I’ve been
fortunate enough to return home, raise my family,
and work remotely.