BAPSAT 10/13/18 – Geneive Ramirez Guest Speaker – Building A Purpose Saturday

We are going strong this academic year with our second BAPSAT! Students that attended had the opportunity to take free SAT/ACT Prep with Mr.Erik Sanden, scholarship writing with Mrs. Altakali, and visit with our guest speaker Ms. Genevieve Ramirez.

During the workshops Mr. Sanden teaches students the purpose of the tests and the role they play in the higher education process. Mr. Sanden explains how the average student takes the test and common mistakes made during the timed test. The students and instructor actively engage in dissecting and answering the SAT prompts and explain the difference between an attractive answer and the correct answer.

Mrs. Altakali teaches the students how to approach,outline, and write the college application essay questions. She encourages them to start writing the answer to the question and then work out the structure, corrections and  flow after the first draft is done.

Genevie Ramirez is a local architect and a graduate of South San Antonio High School class of 2006. She received a Bachelor in Interior Design from Abilene State University and played collegiate Softball while in school. She continued her education and received a Masters in Architecture from UTSA. She is currently working at a firm designing and remodeling restaurants.

She shares impactful stories with our students about the value of time management, work ethic, and tenacity and how it helped reach her goals. Ms. Ramirez reassured the students that she had the same talents, goals, and lived in their same neighborhood at their age. She worked through all the obstacles and challenges by creating her own support group and learning when to ask for help. She became the first in her family to graduate from college and graduate school and has become a role model to her family and community.  

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